Conradh na Gaelige Aotearoa

The Gaelic League Aotearoa

Fáilte - Welcome - Kia Ora

Conradh na Gaeilge Aotearoa - The Gaelic League Aotearoa

Conradh na Gaeilge Aotearoa

The Gaelic League Aotearoa

Is é Conradh na Gaeilge fóram daonlathach phobal na Gaeilge. Tá níos mó ná 200 craobh agus an iliomad ball aonair ag an gConradh ar fud na cruinne, baill a bhíonn ag saothrú chun úsáid na teanga a chur chun cinn ina gceantar féin. Is í príomhaidhm na heagraíochta an Ghaeilge a spreagadh mar ghnáth-theanga labhartha na hÉireann. Bhunaigh Dubhghlas de hÍde, Eoin Mac Néill, agus comhghleacaithe leo Conradh na Gaeilge ar 31 Iúil 1893.

Conradh na Gaeilge is the democratic forum for the Irish-speaking community. The Conradh has over 200 branches and numerous individual members registered around the world, members that work hard to promote the use of Irish in their own areas. Conradh na Gaeilge’s main aim is to promote the use of Irish as the standard language in Ireland. Conradh na Gaeilge was established by Douglas Hyde, Eoin Mac Néill, and their colleagues on the 31st of July 1893.

Dr Diarmaid Coffey

Stiùir prògram

Is mise Diarmaid Coffey agus tá lúcháir orm cabhrú le hAmbasáid na hÉireann agus daoine ar fud na tíre craobh de Chronradh na Gaeilge a athbhunú anseo sa Nua-Shéalainn. Is as Ciarraí ó dhúchas mé agus tá ag maireachtaint anseo le beagnach fiche bliain anois. Níor labhair mé focal as Gaeilge ó chríochnaigh mé an Ardteist go dtí gur thosaigh mé ag éisteacht le RnaG arís i 2017, ach táim gafa leis an teanga anois! Beimid ag iarraidh an ceangal sin leis an teanga agus le hÉirinn a neartú leis an gcraobh seo, agus cuidiú le dul chun cinn na teanga ón taobh eile den domhain

I'm Diarmaid Coffey and I'm delighted to be able to help with the Irish Embassy and people around New Zealand in order to start a branch of Conradh na Gaeilge here. I'm originally from Kerry and have been living here for nearly 20 years now. I didn't speak a work in Irish since I finished the Leaving Cert until I started listening to RnaG again in 2017, but I'm loving the language now. We'll be hoping to strengthen our links with the language and with Ireland through this Branch, and to help with the promotion of the language on the other side of the world!

Mihi whakatau

E ngā mana

E ngā reo

E ngā waka

E tau nei

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoar. 

Chuig na daoine anseo agus an mianach ionaibh

Chuig na teangacha agus na cultúir,

Chuig na waka ar tháinig sibh i dtír orthu

Chuig mana whenua agus a sinsir a chuaigh romhainn

Beannachtaí chugaibh go léir.

To the people here, with your mana

To the languages and culture here

To the waka that brought you here

To mana whenua and their ancestors before us

Greetings, greetings, greetings to you all.

The history of the Irish language in NZ

An introduction

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Webinar - Register

Nuacht - News

February 11, 2022
CnaG Aotearoa is delighted to welcome Neville Gabie, Philippa Bayley & Malcolm Maclean to discuss their work with Living-Language-Land
May 10, 2021
“Translation Hub only the beginning of what’s needed to ensure language rights” - CnaG
April 9, 2021
New scheme to provide recognition, mentoring, training, certification and awards for active 3rd level students in the promotion of Irish
May 19, 2020
Peadar Mac Fhlannchadha, Deputy General Secretary of Conradh na Gaeilge today, St. Patricks Day, 17th of March, won his language right case against the Irish Government in the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

Le tacaíocht ó - Supported by

Conrach na Gaelige Aotearoa

The Gaelic League Aotearoa

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